Long time, no blog! A lot has happened since my last post in 2019. I gave birth to my second baby girl in January 2020 and was settling into a cozy maternity leave when the Covid-19 pandemic began. It turned out to be a good time to be absent from practising immigration law (so much immigration chaos caused by the pandemic) and from working in general (shout-out to all the parents who had to work with no childcare during Covid-19 lockdowns). I officially returned to work in January 2021 but it has taken a long time to get back to "normal". I had to leave my previous office space and work from my basement for many months before finally finding a beautiful new office space in my neighborhood. Now that things are settled, I have been enjoying taking on new clients and navigating the post-Covid world of backlogs, online applications and the multitude of new IRCC Portals. Here's to more blog posts to come....